Why not to be result oriented?

Alper Senturk
2 min readAug 3, 2023


In today’s paradigm, there is a lot of pressure to be result-oriented. While this mindset can certainly help you achieve the outcome you desire, it can also cause you to miss out on valuable learning experiences along the way.

When you are solely focused on the end goal, you may be tempted to take shortcuts or ignore important details in order to reach your target faster. However, in doing so, you may be missing out on valuable insights and lessons that could ultimately lead to greater success.

In fact, some of the most successful people in the world have achieved their success not by focusing solely on the end result, but by embracing the learning process along the way. By being open to new ideas, exploring different approaches, and learning from their mistakes, they were able to achieve far more than they ever thought possible.

So, the next time you find yourself solely focused on achieving a specific result, take a step back and consider the importance of the learning process. By embracing new experiences, being open to new ideas, and learning from your mistakes, you will not only achieve your desired outcome, but you will also create a foundation for greater success in the future.

Remember, success is not just about achieving a specific outcome, but about learning, growing, and becoming the best version of yourself along the way.

Another important aspect of embracing the learning process is the recognition that the target you want to achieve can also change. If you are fixated on the end result, you may miss the opportunity to pivot and pursue a new target that is more aligned with your values and vision. By paying attention to the process and being open to new experiences and insights, you may discover a new value that you can create, which you may have otherwise missed.



Alper Senturk

Learning designer, youth worker, gamification enthusiast